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Homemade Remedies to Take Care of Combination Skin

There are various skin types. Each of this skin type has got varied difficulty to handle. The most difficult to handle type of skin is combination skin. As indicated by its name it is an assortment of oily themes and dry skin.

Combination skin consists of an oily skin T-zone on the face and that consists of the fore head, the nose and the chin. In most of the cases the face may have a dry skin which is rough and scaly in appearance. The degree of dry skin and oiliness on many individuals skin may change with the age.

Causes of Combination Skin
People having oily skin in their puberty are prone to get combination in their later life. When individuals reach their twenties there will be hormonal variations in the body due to stress, medication, contraceptives etc. All these may lead to the skin. Climatic factors like hot sun, winter, cold wind etc. plays an important part in determining the stretch of combination skin. Combination skin prefers different type of treatments for dry skin and oiliness.

Home Remedies for Combination Skin

1. To keep and balance of many individuals skin you have to fresh your face in the morning with some gentle face fresh and this will help you to remove the unwanted oil. You have to implement cleansing cream on your face on every evening to be able to get a soft and glowing skin.

2. Use a clay-based package on the oily skin area of your face. You can make this package in your house with some clay-based powder and hot water. Mix them until it forms a smooth paste and then implement it only on the oily skin area. When the clay-based package dries up it will make the skin and the pores tight and there by reduce the excretion of oil on the outer lining area of the skin. Keep the package on your face until it gets dry completely and then fresh with lukewarm water.

3. For the dry skin area of the skin you can implement cooked oat food mixed with two teaspoon olive oil. Rubbing the oat food mixture on the dry skin area will help you to scrub the scalp. Allow the mix to be there on the face for 5 more minutes and then fresh it with lukewarm water.

4. You can use astringents to fresh the oily skin area of your skin and use only non-abrasive astringents. Use this only once in a week. Clean the dry skin area with light skin fresheners.

5. Always carry a mild anti-bacterial soap with you so that you can use this to protect the T-zones of your face.

6. Steam fresh your face with boiled rose water and water mixture and this will help you to get rid of the unwanted oil and also help you to moisturize the dry patches.

Drink a lot of water and makes your skin hydrated from inside and also include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet.

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